Intermittent Fasting to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Simple strategies that allow you to indulge without gaining weight
Pump up your motivation and metabolism this holiday season! It will help you reset after indulgences and reduce your chance of gaining weight. We have several suggestions to help you sail through the season and begin the New Year on [...]
7 Ways to Fat-Proof Your Holidays And still eat moderate amounts of your favorite foods!
#1: A HEALTHY PERSPECTIVE Don't give up before you even begin or make excuses because of the “season”. Every little thing adds up – both positive and negative. Dump the “all or nothing” attitude that encourages you to overeat simply because [...]
Temptation Season is Here! Trick or Treat? Victory or Defeat?
We are entering the great "Season of Temptation". It begins with Halloween treats and continues to build with the comfort foods of November and Thanksgiving feasts. By the time we reach December, many women have given up on their healthy [...]
Living the Life God Designed You to Live
Danna shares the 3 choices we need to make daily to live the life God designed us to live. Choice #1: Choose Your Power Source Choice #2: Choose Your Perspective Choice #3: Choose Your Purpose [...]
10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Was Younger Wisdom musings in my 70th year by Danna Demetre
It was a joy and honor to be Jill Savage's Guest on her NO MORE PERFECT PODCAST! We discussed ten things I wish I'd known (or better understood) earlier in my life. Jill said that these 3 were her [...]
Overcoming Emotional Eating
ARE YOU AN EMOTIONAL EATER? I was for many years. It even led to a serious eating disorder in college when I sometimes binged and purged up to five times in one day. I was totally out of control. I [...]
The Best & Healthiest Nut Milk
Quite honestly, the best and healthiest nut milk is the one you make yourself. That way, you'll have the highest nut content (and therefore many more nutrients), the best flavor (you can modify yourself w/ vanilla, [...]
6 Reasons to Eat More Chocolate! PLUS: 6 healthy chocolate recipes we love
Most women love chocolate! However, all chocolate is not created equal. Choosing a quality dark chocolate is essential. And, as always...MODERATION is the key! So what's moderate? We suggest about one ounce per day is more than enough to realize [...]
10 Tips for More Youthful Skin at Any Age Danna's "Growing Young" Formula
Is your skin sagging as you age? Of course it is! Our skin gets drier and we lose collagen more and more as each year passes. At 70, I am pleased that my skin - especially my face - is aging [...]
She Chose Life…She Chose Love Unexpected Blessings of a Teenaged Pregnacy
June 2001 I would have never guessed that at 49 years old my life would be filled with Tonka trucks, toy soldiers, grimy fingers and muddy little sneakers. I hated to admit it, but five years ago I was [...]