Danna’s Top Ten Anti-Aging Tips Consistency is Key
Ignoring these tips could result in aging much faster than necessary – inside and out! Whether you’ve already celebrated the Big 5-0, 6-0, or even 7-0 like me, I believe my “growing young” tips can make a difference in [...]
Grainfree Banana Pancakes A yummy breakfast treat
If you want to make a yummy breakfast, but are a little short on time, these grain-free banana pancakes are so quick and simple to whip up. Ingredients 1 small banana or 1/2 a large mashed 2 large [...]
An Unexpected Gift by Danna Demetre
As a young woman, I never anticipated the highs and lows that motherhood would bring. From cheering at sports championships to dealing with teenage pregnancy, from heartwarming Christmas mornings to visiting federal prisons, my journey as a mom has been [...]
The Hourglass of Time Reflections on Aging & Finishing Strong
Yesterday I was 30…and then I was 50...Now I'm 72! The life we live on planet Earth is a vapor. Here today and gone tomorrow. It’s a brief Divine opportunity to realize our purpose and faithfully complete our short [...]
Poor Gut Health Sabotages Weight Loss By Danna Demetre, RN
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Gas or bloating after meals Constipation Heartburn Stomach aches Joint pain and stiffness Muscle pain or weakness Low energy Chronic fatigue Brain fog Mild depression IF YES... The primary root cause could [...]
High Blood Pressure A Silent Killer
How often do you take your blood pressure? Is it just once a year when you do your annual exam? Or are you like me and own your machine and take it regularly? I have had a consistently healthy lifestyle, [...]
Mighty Magnesium 4th most important mineral in your body
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for general health. However, there are many kinds and they do not produce the same results. Some work great for improved bowel function and others improve brain, mood, sleep, cardiovascular health, and [...]
Statin Alternative for High Cholesterol A Natural Supplement
When Danna's cardiologist suggested she take statins once a week for her elevated LDL, she went into research mode and contacted her long-time naturopathic doctor and prolific author, Dr. Mark Stengler. He shared all the risks associated with statins and [...]
The Heart of the Matter #1 Killer of Mature Women
Many post-menopausal women worry about weight gain, sagging skin, and breast cancer as they age. However, it is heart disease which can include heart attack and stroke that are the biggest killers as the once protective hormones like estrogen decline [...]
Have You Given Up? Don’t! God Is For You
Are you frustrated? Maybe you've given up on losing weight because you've tried what seems like everything and nothing seems to work for you. Both Danna and I have had our share of struggles and failures when it came to losing [...]