Connie’s Weight Loss Success At Almost 70!
All Connie's efforts to lose weight had failed until she found the Eat Live Thrive Diet and Academy. She started with the book alone and lost ten pounds. Then, she joined the Eat Live Thrive [...]
All Connie's efforts to lose weight had failed until she found the Eat Live Thrive Diet and Academy. She started with the book alone and lost ten pounds. Then, she joined the Eat Live Thrive [...]
Take the challenge and join other like-minded women with similar health and weight loss goals for daily accountability and encouragement. By addressing three key areas (Diet – Fitness – Mindset), you can be a leaner and healthier version [...]
Are you a Christian woman who has struggled year after year to change your habits, improve your health, and drop excess weight? We invite you to journey with us through our Eat Live Thrive Diet and discover your best health, [...]
Cauliflower is getting all the attention these days, but its cousin Broccoli has a lot of nutrition and deliciousness to offer as well. This quick and nutritious recipe can be made in a few minutes and [...]
What do you do when you feel like you're doing all the right things and you stop losing weight? How can you break through a weight loss plateau and reach your weight loss goals? It gets harder [...]
Choosing healthy options at your local grocery store is not always easy. So, let's go shopping together so we can show you how we choose produce, dairy products, breads, peanut butter, healthy meats and poultry, and more! [...]
Have you struggled time and time again to lose weight and keep it off? Knowing WHAT to do is only part of the issue. Knowing HOW to get yourself to take consistent action is often the bigger issue. Personalized [...]
Have the soda pop blues? Perhaps like us, you grew up on diet sodas - or as bad - full sugar carbonated drinks that you find really tough to leave behind even though you know [...]
San Diego Women! Let’s have a girl’s night out on Wed., May 22nd! We will be doing a lecture and book signing for our Eat Live Thrive Diet book on that night at the iconic Warwick’s Bookstore in La [...]
If you’re so frustrated and discouraged that you don’t even try to lose weight anymore, this video is for you! Knowing what to do to lose weight is not enough. If it were, more women would be successful. Knowing how to get yourself [...]