Ten Things I Learned Watching My Mom Do Life

  1. It doesn’t matter what people think about you. It matters who you really are.
  2. Losing a breast isn’t that big of a deal, if it saves your life.
  3. Don’t let anyone steal your joy – even your husband.
  4. Give random gifts to people for no reason at all.
  5. Don’t keep score with friends and family. If you do, everyone loses.
  6. Take your daughters shopping. It’s a great bonding experience.
  7. Invest time in your children and grandchildren– they are your greatest legacy.
  8. Think the best of people even when they are not being their best.
  9. Limit advice to family members. Pray instead.
  10. Only God can fulfill all your needs. Lean into Him and you’ll find peace and power.

Five Things I Hope My Children Learn From My Life

  1. Time is more valuable than money.
  2. Beauty without humility and compassion is a flimsy wrapper.
  3. God does give us more than we can handle, but not more than He can handle.
  4. Watch your thoughts – they will determine your destiny.
  5. I love you unconditionally and “tough love” when needed is/was more painful for me than it was for you.