What’s all the buzz about short-term (intermittent) fasting?
Is it hype or the real deal?
It is the real deal and it’s become a game changer for many women who have struggled to lose weight for years – especially around their waistline. In this first video in our series on the what, why, and how of intermittent fasting – we’ll share the multitude of benefits you can get from these short-term fasts (12-24 hours) when used regularly. It’s easier than you think and the results will amaze you.
Burn Fat
Increase Energy
Promote Anti-aging
Enhance Brain Function
Prevent Diabetes & Other Diseases
Many Other Health Benefits
What’s Intermittent Fasting?
- First, it is NOT a specific food plan or diet
- It is a specific timing that involves fasting hours and eating hours
- The purpose is to maximize fat burning, health, and longevity
- Fasting 12-24 hours increases fat burned for energy up to 60%
- Greatest benefits occur after 16- 18 hours
- It’s easier to practice than most women realize
- See more detailed notes about I.F. below
Intermittent Fasting Facts:
- After 12 hours of fasting, your body’s glycogen levels become low
- This causes your body to shift to fat as the primary source of energy
- This puts you in a mild state of ketosis releasing ketones as your primary energy source
- Ketones increase your energy, mental clarity, and satiety
Ketone Factoids & I.F.
- A keto diet increases ketone production 4 times the avg. diet
- Keep in mind this diet is quite restrictive (carbs only from veggies)
- Intermittent Fasting increases ketone production up to 20 times
- I.F. is more easily sustainable than a ketogenic diet for most people
Most people who eat 3 meals a day plus snacks never reach ketosis
and therefor do not receive many health benefits of intermittent fasting.
Changes that take place in your body when you fast:
- When Insulin is present, the body does not burn fat effectively.
- F. stops insulin production during the fast which facilitates fat burning and blood sugar balance.
- Human growth hormone may increase as much as 5-fold which in turn supports fat burning and muscle gain, as well as other anti-aging benefits
- F. induces important cellular repair processes, such as removing waste material from cells known as autophagy.
- There are positive changes in several genes and molecules related to longevity and protection against disease.
Why do we lose weight more effectively with I. F?
- You become a fat burner more than a sugar burner.
- Often, you will eat fewer calories in a shorter eating window
- Hormone changes increase the breakdown of body fat for energy
- F. increases your metabolic rate 3 -14%
- Which means even more calorie burn
- Helps decrease cortisol which is a fat-storing hormone
- Regulates hunger hormones which cause cravings
Other health benefits of I.F.
- Reduce Insulin Resistance, Lowering Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Reduce Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in the body
- Increased autophagy may provide protection against several diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s disease
- Gives organs a break from metabolism
- These things work together to enhance:
- Energy
- Mental focus
- Memory
- Mood
Specific Brain Benefits
- Ketones release BDNF molecules in the brain which help to build and strengthen neurons and neural connections that support learning and memory
- A deficiency of BDNF has been shown in depression and various other brain problems
- BDNF may increase growth of new neurons and protect the brain from damage.
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I am blown away-amazed at the time and effort our coaches – Danna & Robyn put into completely personalizing this plan with encouragement and support every step of the way. That takes time, planning and lots of elbow grease and brainpower to do. They keep us on our toes with suggestions, kind criticism, guidance, new recipes, ideas, clips, care and concern for non-diet issues that crop up on the Zoom.etc. I know of no other eating plan that has this bonus – the personal interaction. Not once but twice a week plus a prayer time to boot. Just saying thanks does not seem enough…but anyway…Thank you, ladies! You Rock! – Silvia

I just want to let y’all know HOW MUCH your coaching has helped me GET BACK ON TRACK & STAY ON TRACK with my weight, workouts & healthy self-talk. I love the Make Me app because it keeps me accountable (which is EXACTLY what I need)! Danna & Robyn were ALWAYS there – coaching every step of the way. Gaye