Do you have a bucket list? I loved watching the movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nichols playing two men facing off their mortality and wanting to experience more from life before they died. It got me thinking about my own bucket list and wondering what God would add or delete if I submitted it to Him.
This picture is with my daughter, Jamie in one of my favorite places in the world – Lugano, Switzerland. I had the blessing of living there from 2006 to 2008. It is the Italian part of Switzerland just a couple miles from the northern Italian border about 30 minutes from Lake Como. The culture and language are as if you were actually in Italy. And guess what? I LOVE everything Italian. If I had a bucket list – that would have been one of the things on my list. (Oh…don’t let me forget to tell you in another post about my encounter with George Clooney!)
As I ponder my 7th decade approaching, I sometimes think about the things I always wanted to experience, but never have. I realized the last few years that the list has dwindled. Perhaps in part because I have had some lovely life experiences. I did get a book written and published – actually 6 or so. I did live in and visit Europe and a few other lovely places over the years. One of my greatest joys – speaking at women’s events – and coaching – I still can do – and I LOVE those opportunities.
A few years ago I had a strong conviction that God had a much more important bucket list for my life. It was not about my enjoyment and gratification – though He regularly does give me those wonderful experiences. Rather, it is about HIS purpose and HIS glorification. It says in James 4: 13,1 4, “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.”
As I’ve asked God what He wants on my bucket list, He’s laid on my heart a burning passion to coach women toward greater health. He’s given me a deep desire to intentionally come alongside my adult children and make sure I’m making deposits that will help them make wise decisions and live a godly life when I’m no longer here. He’s shown me how I am never too old to fall more deeply in love with Him. He’s also showed me that how I respond to my own life challenges is part of my bucket list as it gives me an opportunity to show the grace and mercy of a loving God who is with us in times of trouble.
Shortly after this picture was taken, I flew home to San Diego and faced off one of the most painful seasons of my life. I almost lost a relationship deeply precious to me. I did not understand why at 67 years old I had to face this gut-wrenching life crisis. Today, on the other side of it – I can tell you that God has equipped me spiritually to trust Him more fully and help others do the same. Little did I know in 2020 and 2021 both my daughter and I would face off breast cancer AND most recently in late October 2021, I fell into our under construction pool and broke my leg. More lessons – more bucket list opportunities to grow closer to Jesus and pass on the lessons learned!
If you were to see my journal with my bucket list today, you would see an empty page. It is my desire to allow God to write my list each day and for me to simply follow. Sometimes he gives me an assignment to improve how Robyn and I coach women toward greater health. Sometimes he lays a friend on my heart or it’s simply a day to rest, renew, and celebrate.
Of course I can still have personal goals and desires but I think Proverbs 37:4 gives us great insight into how to fulfill the deepest longings of our heart. It says, “Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.”Notice the delight in Him comes first. Then, our desires are in sync with his and we a completely fulfilled.
Jumping from airplanes, dream vacations, and a great accomplishment fulfilled gives us pleasure for a little while. But delight in the Lord permeates our entire being and gives us eternal fully satisfying contentment…forever!
Live Intentionally!