Ignoring these tips could result in aging much faster than necessary – inside and out!


Whether you’ve already celebrated the Big 5-0, 6-0, or even 7-0 like me, I believe my “growing young” tips can make a difference in how you will look and feel in the years ahead if…

You practice them consistently!

To effectively slow the aging process, master lifestyle basics first. No supplements will replace the basics below. However, I will share one supplement that I believe everyone needs to take to nourish their body inside and out.

Most women know these things but do not practice them as a daily lifestyle.


#1:  Drink at least 4-6 ounces of quality water every waking hour and more if the weather is hot or you are exercising. Water is essential for every bodily function, including burning fat and hydrating your skin. Dehydrated bodies look and feel older.

#2:  Get some ZZZs, please. Sleep is the only time the body can truly regenerate at the cellular level. To grow young inside and out, you need at least seven to eight hours of sleep most nights. Studies have proven that women who don’t get adequate sleep not only look older but tend to carry more excess weight as well. We offer many practical and supplement suggestions for sleep challenges during our weekly Eat Live Thrive Academy coaching sessions.

#3:  Enjoy at least 30 minutes of exercise almost every day. Yes, every And yes, enjoy.  To be a high-energy and active senior, you must move it, sister! As we age, we lose fitness in 24 to 48 hours. Our muscles are the engines of our body. If we want a strong metabolism, we need to use them, or we will lose them. Include aerobic, strength training, and flexibility exercises to keep your body well-balanced.

Few things age us more than an unhealthy diet and carrying excess body fat – especially if it’s accumulating around your middle. We may joke about our “muffin tops” as we move into perimenopause and beyond, but it greatly increases our risk of heart disease – the number one killer of women.

Food is often the cause of our aches, pains, and diseases.

It can also be the very best cure. Below, I’ve included the key weight loss principles we focus on in our Eat Live Thrive Diet that help the women we coach not only lose weight and keep it off but also have them looking and feeling years younger!

#4:  Jumpstart your health and weight loss by eliminating all grains and sugars for 7-14 days. It is easier than you think – especially with our awesome replacement recipes. You’ll not only shed weight but look and feel younger as well. It’s obvious why we eliminate sugar. We know it’s harmful. But, why grains? As early as thirty, our carbohydrate metabolism begins to wane. Instead of readily utilizing them for energy, we become increasingly efficient at turning them (and other starchy foods) into fat. Additionally, many women develop food sensitivities to various grains as they age. This can cause a variety of health issues, including a diminished ability to lose weight.


If you want to get a fast body reboot that will improve your health, increase your enegry, and accelerate weight loss, we invite you to check out our upcoming
10-Day Change Your Body Challenge. 
Info Here

#5:  Eat 4-6 vegetables and 2-3 fruits of varying color daily. God created food in all the colors of the rainbow, which represent amazing nutrients. Filling up on these nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods is a recipe for vitality and agelessness.

#6:  Eat protein and fiber with every meal to stabilize your blood sugar and keep your energy high. This helps diminish cravings, and the extra energy ensures you are more likely to make daily exercise a lasting lifestyle habit.

#7: Remove highly inflammatory vegetable oils like canola, soy, safflower, and corn from your diet. These foods are wreaking havoc on our bodies, including our brains. If you want to have a clear mind, healthy body, and vibrant skin, then use only quality oils such as avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, and coconut oil.

#8: Toss artificial sweeteners, preservatives, GMO foods, and other poisons to the curb. They are polluting our bodies and causing many health issues. Poisons do not promote a growing younger lifestyle.

#9:  Develop a sustainable lifestyle you can do most days and still enjoy your life. Consistency is the key to realize positive physical results. Try to limit fun foods (empty calories) to no more than 10 percent of your total diet. Knowing you can have an occasional treat doesn’t mean you must. It is very helpful for most women to keep their total carbohydrate intake under 150 grams daily while trying to lose weight. Taking in no more than 30 grams in any meal or snack allows your body to utilize it without storing it as fat.

#10:  Take an Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement. Dermatologist Dendy Engelman, MD, calls fish oil a “powerhouse ingredient” that does so much more than improve dull skin. “It is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce photo-damage and wrinkles, improve skin texture, and help with collagen production,” he says. It sure did for me. I also experienced another unexpected bonus: my hot flashes completely disappeared. I’ve shared this with many other women who report the same.

If you are blessed with a life that allows you the “privilege” of aging, you don’t have to assume that means you will spend decades looking and feeling like an “old woman”. How you nurture yourself each day will determine the quality of your tomorrow. I hope you will eat, live, and thrive in a way that allows you to live out your God-given purpose. We’d love to come alongside you in your journey. We encourage you to begin taking consistent steps this week that will help you look and most importantly feel years younger.