What Kind of Coffee Do You Drink & When Do You Drink It?
On this Ageless Woman Living Podcast – you’ll hear lots of great new health benefits of coffee. But, you’ll also hear about some risks and why choosing your coffee wisely matters – especially if you drink it everyday! (Audio player at bottom of page)
Positive Health Benefits:
- Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes
- Decreases risk of Parkinson’s
- Helps reduce inflammation
- Lower incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Decreased risk of cardiovascular disease
- Improved physical performance during exercise
- Increased caloric burn for 3 hours post workout
Potential Downsides of Coffee:
- Not knowing your limit
- Overstimulated
- Are you a slow or fast reactor?
- Sleep disturbance
- Choosing coffees laden with pesticides & chemicals
- Dehydration
- Creating an acidic pH balance
Miscellaneous Coffee Factoids:
- High in anti-oxidants
- Darker Roast = less Caffeine but more anti-oxidants
- The finer the ground, the more nutrients lost
- Hotter the water – the more bitter the coffee
A Few Quality Organic Coffee Brands:
Kicking Horse Coffee
Cameron’s Organic French Roast – I just got one and LOVE the smooth brew!
Equal Exchange Organic Coffee
Whole Foods 365 Brand
Let’s Talk Decaf: Most products are heavily processed with chemicals known to be carcinogenic. Choose Swiss Water Processed – Organic Swiss Water Processed Coffees
Dr. Mercola
Business Insider – Coffee Gains Ground with Experts
When Should Your Drink Your Coffee?