Robyn Thomson has shared her story of struggling with out of control hunger for many years. This new product – LOVIDIA – is really making a difference. Just one tablet twice each day taken before your largest meals or when you [...]

2019-07-03T08:18:25-07:00December 6th, 2017|Favorite Resources, Health, Weight Loss|Comments Off on WHO’S HUNGRY?

A Health Smash Mash

You can mash your potatoes and eat them, too! You can even have a rather large serving without the bloat, extra carbs, and blood sugar spike by following this simple tip. Don’t tell your guests about the little change. [...]

2019-07-03T08:33:06-07:00November 20th, 2017|Health, Nutrition Tips, Recipes|Comments Off on A Health Smash Mash

A New Twist on Probiotics That Works Great

So many of us “Ageless Women” deal with issues such as constipation, bloating, gas and other IBS symptoms.  It can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing. More importantly,  these symptoms are an indication of possible underlying health problems that need to [...]

2019-07-03T09:58:14-07:00October 2nd, 2017|Health, Nutrition Tips|Comments Off on A New Twist on Probiotics That Works Great
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