About Danna

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So far Danna has created 76 blog entries.

Melissa’s Eat Live Thrive Diet Story

Melissa cried out to God for wisdom and direction to find the right program to address her mid-life frustrations over her inability to lose weight. She felt He clearly led her to the Eat Live Thrive Diet book and the [...]

2022-04-03T14:49:28-07:00April 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Melissa’s Eat Live Thrive Diet Story

Top 10 Supplements for Mature Women We take these daily for optimal health & vitality

    LOVE YOU SALE CONTINUES thru FEBRUARY 16 Use Discount Code: LOVEYOU15 to SAVE 15% We take the following supplements every single day: Vitamin D3/K2 (Immunity & Countless Body Functions) Omega 3 Fish Oil (Heart, Brain, Skin & More) [...]

2025-02-08T08:09:52-08:00March 12th, 2022|Favorite Resources, Supplement News|Comments Off on Top 10 Supplements for Mature Women We take these daily for optimal health & vitality

Shepherd’s Pie A Healthier Option

Here's a super fast & tasty comfort meal all in one casserole dish! We've updated an old recipe with a new protein. Our family loves it and we hope yours will as well. Robyn loved this recipe so much that [...]

2022-02-24T07:39:33-08:00February 22nd, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shepherd’s Pie A Healthier Option

Increase Nitric Oxide for Health & Agelessness Interview with Patti Milligan, PhD

Learn why Nitric Oxide plays such critical role in assuring optimal health to include reducing your cardiovascular risk and slowing down the aging process. Patti Milligan, Ph.D. and creator of Jet Renewal Kit shares 3 ways you can consistently increase [...]

2022-01-16T16:52:19-08:00January 10th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Increase Nitric Oxide for Health & Agelessness Interview with Patti Milligan, PhD

New Year Goals: Tips for Greater Success Hint: Stop Setting "Number Goals" - Do THIS Instead

Are you setting any New Year health and wellness goals? If not, perhaps that's because you've never really followed through in the past. You are NOT alone. Most people only keep their New Year's resolutions for less than 17 days! [...]

2024-01-04T06:56:23-08:00December 31st, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Year Goals: Tips for Greater Success Hint: Stop Setting "Number Goals" - Do THIS Instead
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