So, How’s Menopause Going for You?
Whether you’re just entering the peri-menopausal “madness” (like Robyn) or a seasoned post-menopausal veteran (like Danna) – we invite you into our Menopause Dialogue where we’ll share a few tips that may make your journey a bit smoother!
In our first video, we have a candid conversation about our menopause journey in hopes that you can know two things. First, you are not alone if you sometimes feel you are “losing your mind” and secondly, that everyones journey is unique. What works for one woman may not work for another. However, we will share one tip in video number one that is extremely helpful for all women and perhaps something you did not seriously consider as a huge contributing factor.
NOTE: You’ll find supplement information we discuss in Video #2 at the bottom of this page
Open for Limited Charter Member Enrollment!
Only $7.95 per Month & Includes The Ageless Woman Diet
If you are over 45 and trying to figure out how to eat healthier, lose weight, and still enjoy your life – we invite you to experience the Ageless Woman Diet. Things change a lot as we age! This diet is a comprehensive lifestyle nutrition and weight loss course that is changing women’s lives. Not only are they losing weight, but they are also greatly improving their health. And by the way, this diet is one of the best for supporting hormone balance!
(Scroll to Bottom to View Supplement Info)
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Mature Female Student Studying In Classroom With Books
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Change Your Habits – A 40-Day Journey to Healthier Living
Leaving a Legacy – Sharing Your Heart before You Depart
A Life of Contentment – Living Above Your Circumstances
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Included below: Omega 3 Fish Oil (Danna’s Fave) – Black Cohosh – Femmenessence Maca
PLEASE NOTE: The first links to these products will take you to an excellent health practitioner supplier – Natural Partners – that offers very high quality and respected products. To order, you must use our practitioner code: ageless. You should be able to find some of these products at your local vitamin or health store. There is no cost to sign up to be a customer. The second link that we provide is to Amazon. If you have a Prime membership with free shipping, this can be a very fast and affordable choice.
Coromega Omega 3 Fish Oil (Natural Partners)
Coromega Omega 3 Fish Oil (Amazon)
I take 2 packets in the morning and 2 packets at night to reach my optimal levels for skin and brain health as well as to be hot flash free! I DO NOT like the chocolate or tropical versions and just stick with the classic “Orange”. There is no after taste or burping.
Black Cohosh (Natural Partners)
Black Cohosh (Amazon)
Product Info: Black Cohosh is a root-based supplement that may provide comfort during menopause by supporting healthy levels of luteinizing hormone (LH). This dietary supplement helps promote physical well-being and may provide aid with headaches, hot flashes and other normal menopausal symptoms.*
- Promotes comfort during menopause*
- Made with hypoallergenic, vegan ingredients
Black cohosh, Cimicifuga racemosa, is well known for promoting comfort during menopause. Black cohosh functions by maintaining healthy levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), allowing for optimal comfort and physical well being. The herb also exhibits mild estrogenic activity by binding to estrogen receptors. Black Cohosh 2.5 is standardized to contain 2.5% triterpene glycosides.
Femmenessence Maca products come in three different versions depending upon your current age and hormone profile. Pro is for the post menopausal woman no longer having a monthly cycle. Pro-Peri is for the peri-menopausal woman. Pro-Harmony is for younger women with difficult periods and PMS.
Natural Partners Links – Use Code: ageless
Femme-Pro (MacaPause)Femme-Pro-Peri (MacaPause)
Femme-Pro-Harmony (MacaHarmony) 180 Capsules
Amazon Links
Femme-Pro-Harmony (MacaHarmony) 120 Capsules
PRODUCT INFORMATION: FemmenessencePRO is the first natural product to demonstrate, in published clinical trials, statistically significant effects on hormones in post-menopausal women.
However FemmenessencePRO does not introduce any hormones into the body, rather it nourishes the Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal Axis (HPA Axis), supporting the body’s own hormone production. In clinical trials, 84% of post-menopausal women using FemmenessencePRO experienced a highly statistically significant reduction in menopausal symptoms within 2 days to 8 weeks, with an average of 3 weeks.
By truly impacting hormone levels in post-menopausal women, FemmenessencePRO addresses the root cause of many health issues, not just the symptoms. Comprehensively impacting many different aspects of health and supporting foundational health.
Clinical trial results included:
- Supports hormone balance*
- Supports adrenal hormones and energy levels*
- Reduces hot flashes and night sweats*
- Supports libido, sexual health and vaginal dryness*
- Supports mood and an improved outlook on life*
- Supports mental health*
- Supports bone health*
- Supports healthy body weight*
- Supports healthy cholesterol & triglyceride levels within normal ranges*
There are 13 different phenotypes of maca that are different colors, different DNA, contain different ingredient profiles and elicit different physiological effects. FemmenessencePRO contains Maca-GO® – a highly concentrated, certified organic proprietary combination of specific maca (Lepidium peruvianum) phenotypes, for women’s hormone balance. Maca-GO® is concentrated through a proprietary manufacturing process, which concentrates the full spectrum of active constituents in maca over ten times higher than what is found in normal raw maca, and maximizes the bioavailability increasing water solubility from 68% in raw maca to 99% in Maca-GO®.
With five years of research, including human double-blind placebo controlled clinical trials, pharmacology and toxicology, FemmenessencePRO has the highest success rate and strongest results of any natural product in the menopause category.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.