Slim-Down Jumpstart Overview
How God Directs Our Coaching
OFFERED ONLY ONCE EACH SEASON! Take the challenge and join other like-minded women with similar health and weight loss goals for daily accountability and encouragement. By addressing three key areas (Diet – Fitness – Mindset), you can be a leaner and healthier version of yourself in 30 short days. Many of our successful weight loss clients started with this simple challenge and have gone on to reach their goals and maintain their results!
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Weigh yourself before you begin the challenge. If you honestly participate with at least 75% compliance and don’t lose weight, we’ll send you back the cost of the program (not including the book and shipping fee).

Mary Cay began her journey 1 year ago with the Slim-Down Jumpstart! Here is what she has to say about her experience: “Walking this journey with Danna and Robyn and the group through the MakeMe App has made a tremendous difference to my success. Eat, Live, Thrive is so much more than a “program”; it is a way of life free from bondage to food. I feel like I am gaining control of myself from the inside out. I am connecting my body, mind and spirit, participating in the live coaching and connecting to other women, so that I am not just existing, but THRIVING! I’m a work in progress and each day I break free of the chains that have bound me for so long.” – Mary Cay
Eat Live Thrive Diet Book*
Getting Started Video
4 Week Meal Plan
4 Live Zoom Coaching Sessions
Weekly Email Tips Daily Group Accountability via Mobile App
Daily Group Accountability via Mobile App
Benefits of Accountability App:
Log your daily action steps for diet, fitness, and mindset
Interact with your teammates
Earn points for special prizes and awards
Be encouraged and inspired

“I just want to let y’all know HOW MUCH the 30 Day Challenge has helped me GET BACK ON TRACK & STAY ON TRACK with my weight, workouts & healthy self talk. I love the Make Me app because it keeps me accountable (which is EXACTLY what I need)! & Danna & Robyn were ALWAYS there with coaching every step of the way. I’m excited to be transitioning to the Academy for continued success.” – Gaye

“I am blown away-amazed at the time and effort our coaches – Danna & Robyn put into completely personalizing this plan with encouragement and support every step of the way. They keep us on our toes with suggestions, guidance, new recipes, as well as care and concern for non-diet issues. I know of no other eating plan that has this bonus – the personal interaction. Thank you, ladies! You Rock!” – Silvia
Sandi has lost over 35 lbs. and has kept it off for over 2 years. “I found this App fun and engaging. It definitely kept me more engaged in my daily lifestyle choices. It’s a very effective, subtle nudge of accountability.” – Sandi