4 Keys To Hearing The Voice of God
A Life-Changing Zoom Session
With Dr. Mark Virkler
Saturday April 30th , 9:30-11:30 AM PT
Session recorded and delivered via email – Register below

Do you desire a deeper and more intimate relationship with God?
Throughout the Bible, God communicated with many people. From prophets and kings, to simple people like Noah, Mary and Joseph, he spoke in various ways such as dreams, through angels and even sometimes in an audible voice. Of course, Jesus spent his earthly life in constant conversation with the Father.
If God is as the Bible says, “the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, then we should be able to “hear” His voice as well. But, what does that look like for you? Will you hear His audible voices or perhaps a “sensing in your spirit”? And, how will you know it is really the voice of God?
We’re so glad you asked these very important questions!
Dr. Mark Virkler has dedicated his life to understanding and teaching on this subject. He has the unique ability to simplify and clarify the deep and mysterious things of God into a practical and applicable approach to experiencing Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit like never before.
We invite you!
Please consider joining us along with Dr. Virkler on a FREE, LIVE ZOOM SESSION so you can learn how simple it is to “hear” the voice of God in your own life!

Mark Virkler
Mark graduated from Roberts Wesleyan College with a Bachelor’s in Religion and Philosophy and a minor in Psychology and received his Master of Theology from Miami Christian University and Ph.D. from Carolina Christian University. Mark has co-authored with his wife over 55 lamad-style books in the areas of hearing God’s voice and Spirit-anointed living. Mark is a co-founder and director of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University. Mark has traveled extensively for 25 years conducting workshops on how to hear God’s voice.