4 Bonuses for You!

As an Academy Member, you were the first to see and read our advanced (and uncorrected version) of Eat Live Thrive Diet, so you can help us get the word out. And now…the final book releases to the general market on March 26th in its new and greatly improved formatting, quality, and corrected version!

From now through March 25th – we are in our “PRE-ORDER CAMPAIGN” which includes a special bonus for those who pre-order the book before the actual release date. We’ve also created three special bonus offers just for Academy Members. These are all described in some detail below and include links for more information.

Step 1 to Redeem Your Bonuses:
Purchase our book from your favorite online retailer

Step 2 to Redeem Your Bonuses:
Once you have your book receipt or order number, CLICK HERE and enter your info to request and/or access these bonus gifts.

BONUS #1:  For Academy Members Only

First Fifty Pre-Orders (10 Left)

30-Minute Private Lifestyle Coaching Session
with Danna or Robyn

This gives you an opportunity to have your top challenges or questions addressed in depth in a private session.

BONUS #2:  For Academy Members Only

6-Day Free Trial of Lovidia Hunger Control Formula

Curbs hunger naturally * No Stimulants * Tells your brain you are satiated * Helps with cravings

You will receive 6 of the Original Lovidia and 6 of the Extended Release (XR) version. We both take this product and it has been an answer to prayer for Robyn who has struggled with insatiable hunger for 8 years despite many experts attempts to find a cause.  LEARN MORE ABOUT LOVIDIA

BONUS #3:  For Academy Members Only

25% Off Discount Coupon for everything in our web store!

BONUS #4: For Everyone Who Pre-Orders

Anyone who pre-orders our book from their favorite online retailer, qualifies to receive MP3 downloads of our entire Healthy Self-Talk Series designed to help you transform your thinking and ultimately your habits from the inside out.

1. Eat Live Thrive Diet Self-Talk   Designed to guide you through the three phases of the Eat Live Thrive Diet, this healthy self-talk recording provides impactful statements and scripture that will help you change your mindset when repeated frequently.

2. Change Your Habits by Renewing Your Mind!  Based on Danna’s book, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life, this self-talk CD incorporates many of the scriptures and concepts found in the book and is recorded in a first-person, prayer-like fashion.

3.  Healthy Self-Talk for Your Lifestyle    We consider healthy self-talk God’s prescription for renewing the mind. Tracks on this recording include: Renewed Mind, Transformed Body • Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies • Fit Minds, Fit Bodies • Living in Balance.