We’re Going To Bless Your Socks Off!

On-Demand 24/7 – Access For 12 Months
Are You Living an Intentional Life?
In these crazy times, it is easy to focus on the lack of control we feel in many areas of our lives. It’s essential to remind ourselves daily that God is still in control and He can and will use many of our challenges for our good and His glory. Thankfully, He has given us control over how we think and act (or react).
We have 2 conferences for you. Our fall conference is focused on living with intentionality in the many dimensions of our lives such as our wellness, relationships, emotional and spiritual health, thought life, home life, and how we fulfill our daily purpose.
Our spring conference is focused on reviving and thriving body, soul & spirit.
We’ve gathered a group of twelve godly teachers, speakers, and authors to pour into your life to educate, equip, inspire, and challenge you. Best of all, all the sessions can be enjoyed at your leisure in the privacy and safety of your own home on demand – 24/7 for the next 12 months.
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On-Demand Access For 12 Months
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Conference Hosts & Presenters
Danna Demetre
1. Living Life with Purpose & Passion
2.You Are What You Think
“God’s purpose is for this very moment – for the sixty minutes in every hour
and the sixty seconds in every minute.” ~ Oswald Chambers
Do you want to live a more intentional life of purpose and passion? Do you want to make daily deposits that can have eternal impact? Do you want to live with more joy? I believe this is best realized when we learn how to become more aware of God’s intimate presence in our daily life and become more attuned to His “still small voice” that gives us God-ordained nudges, assignments and inspiration. Like you, I swerve off course, but I’ve learned how to more intentionally pursue His purpose for my life – not just “big assignments” but small daily ones that add up over time. In my session, I’ll share how you too can realize a more purpose-filled life that brings you greater joy and passion. It is more simple than you may think and more gratifying and empowering than you can imagine!
Danna Demetre
Danna Demetre
A former registered nurse, Danna is popular retreat and conference speaker with over 25 years of experience sharing the hope she found in Christ to transform her in the many struggles of life. She is also the author of many book titles to include Change Your Habits, Change Your Life and What Happened to My Life? She recently co-authored Eat Live Thrive Diet with her ministry partner, Robyn Thomson. Together, they reach thousands of women each week via their YouTube channel and website. They also provide virtual health and weight loss coaching to hundreds of clients via their Eat Live Thrive Academy. She lives in the foothills in a rural community near San Diego, California with Lew, her husband of 35 years.
Learn more at: www.LeanHealthyAgeless.com
Robyn Thomson
1. Intermittent Fasting for Health and Weight Loss
2. You Are What You Eat
Fasting has been around as a practice for thousands of years. It’s been used as a time of spiritual renewal as well as for health. What’s your experience with fasting? As both a health coach and a woman, I’ve seen the incredible benefits intermittent fasting can have on the body. As a Christian, I’ve also experienced the powerful spiritual impact it can have as well. However, fasting needs to be done very intentionally especially as we age. That’s why I want to address this subject and share the many health benefits as well as how it can aid in weight loss. You’ll be amazed to learn how it can help cleanse the body of toxins, bring you greater energy, and so much more. No matter what your age, you can be healthier, lose weight and feel years younger by adding fasting into your lifestyle.
Robyn Thomson
Robyn Thomson
Robyn is an advanced clinical weight loss practitioner trained by top doctors and scientists in the industry. An avid researcher, she was determined to find the answer to why so many gain weight and have so much trouble shedding it as they age. Many of her discoveries are foundational to the success of her co-authored book with Danna Demetre, Eat Live Thrive Diet which consistently ranked in the top 100 of Amazon’s Women’s General Health category in the first year. Through seminars, workshops, and coaching, Robyn helps women lose weight, improve their nutrition, and get more active. She lives near the beach in San Diego, California with Rob, her husband of 25 years.
Learn more at: www.LeanHealthyAgeless.com
Featured Speakers
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

1. Healing Emotional and Spiritual Wounds
2. Finding Sacred Rest
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
Healing Emotional and Spiritual Wounds
Pain is a universal denominator. It crosses gender, race, socio-economic status, and education. Pain does not judge, nor does it discriminate. Pain is real and it can be debilitating. As an Internal Medicine physician, I spent most of my time helping hurting people. However, much of the pain entering my medical practice was not the physical type; rather, it is the emotional and spiritual kind. It is the type of pain that drains the joy out of life, and leaves you wondering if it is even worth the effort.
It is here in this place of emptiness that you are given a most amazing invitation, an invitation to simply come. Not an invitation to become, nor one to seek; but rather an invitation to bring your stressed-out, worn-out, tired self to the well, brimming with Living Water. It is an invitation to be renewed, strengthened, guided, restored, and satisfied. It is an invitation to live fully, love boldly, and rest intentionally. It’s an invitation to come empty and be filled.
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
Award-winning Christian author, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, is a board-certified physician and popular media guest who shares biblical truths to help heal the body, mind, and spirit. She transparently shares how her past pain has been redeemed through the practical application of God’s word.
Learn more at: www.IChooseMyBestLife.com
Pam Farrel

1. Become a W.O.W. Wife
2. Revive Your Relationships
Pam Farrel
Become a W.O.W. Wife
Learn the secrets of becoming a wife who can W.O.W. her husband and put and keep a smile on his face. Love must start with someone– why not let love flow thru you?
Do you want:
- To see your marriage grow closer?
- To raise connection and lower conflict?
- More creative date and romance ideas?
- Better understanding of your husband?
- To maximize both of your motivations in marriage?
- To build and bless your marriage so your children and grandkids benefit?
- To fan the flame of intimacy?
- To discover the 26 Traits that make a more loving wife?
- To learn the #1 thing husbands REALLY want? (the answer might surprise you!)
- To Create a happier, healthier, and more co-operative relationship?
- A legacy of love and positive role model for your friends and family?
- To learn the God-factor to empower love in your marriage?
Pam Farrel
Pam Farrel is an international speaker, director of women’s ministry, pastor’s wife, relationship expert and author of 50+ books including several bestsellers, like Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti. She and her husband, Bill, co-direct Love-Wise ministries and have been happily married for over 40 years. They enjoy time with their three grown sons and daughters-in-law and their five grandchildren. When not at work, or caregiving Bill’s 90-year old parents, they enjoy kayaking and biking. They reside on a “live aboard boat” docked in southern California.
Learn more at: www.Love-Wise.com
Jill Savage

1. Better Together: Because You’re Not Meant to Do Life Alone
2. Breaking Up with Perfect
Jill Savage
Better Together: Because You’re Not Meant to Do Life Alone
Do you tend to do life alone? Feeling isolated in the journey? Been hurt by past friendships? I know those challenges and want to present you witha compelling vision that life really is better in community. I’ll help you:
- Increase your confidence in social settings when you stop unfairly comparing yourself to others.
- Combat isolation and find or create a community where you can both give and receive support.
- Deepen your friendships when you learn, help, and pray together and care for, share with, forgive, and encourage one another.
- Strengthen trust when you leave your friendship baggage behind and forge new relationships with a new mindset.
- Increase your joy as you discover you truly are better when you don’t do life alone.
Find courage to engage in community like Jesus did. He went first and showed us the way!
Jill Savage
Jill Savage is an author and speaker who is passionate about family relationships. Founding Hearts at Home, a national organization that served moms for 24 years, Jill now speaks to thousands each year about their priorities, their passions, and their purpose. She has been called one of today’s most exciting female speakers. Her honest, engaging communication is strengthened by her ability to make her audience laugh while they learn.
Learn more at: www.JillSavage.org
Jill Swanson

Intentional Style – 3 Steps to Looking Fabulous!
Jill Swanson
Intentional Style – 3 Steps to Looking Fabulous!
Create your own intentional style and make the most of what you’ve got, effortlessly, every day! Image Coach Jill Swanson is here with insider tips and techniques to help you look and be your best – inside and out.
- 3 Steps to a Fabulous Wardrobe
- The “OOH – Ahh!” Outfit Game Changer
- How to Accessorize Like a Pro
- And much more!
This fun and fast-paced session will inspire you to celebrate your unique beauty and rejoice in being “God’s masterpiece” created anew in Christ Jesus.
Jill Swanson
Jill has spent more than three decades helping women feel empowered by finding the style reflects their personal strengths and passions. With an emphasis on accessible, on-budget fashion, she makes looking your best seem effortless. She allows people to see their current closets in a new light, and skillfully recommends new ways to wear, pair, and accessorize to get the maximum impact out of a wardrobe. Through her video segments, webinars, DVDs and books, Simply Beautiful – Inside and Out and Out the Door in 15 Minutes, Jill consistently conveys the message that creating an image that reflects a person’s true self can be both life-affirming and fabulous! She lives in Minnesota with her husband and has two grown children.
Learn More About Jill Swanson at:
Dr. Michelle Bengtson

1. Move From Depression to Hope that Prevails
2. Breaking Anxiety’s Grip
Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Move From Depression to Hope that Prevails
We live in a time when depression is a world-wide epidemic, and yet still so few will talk about it. Dr. Bengtson not only evaluated, diagnosed and treated thousands who have suffered through the valley of depression, but she walked that valley herself. Neither her nor her Christian faith, immunized her against depression. Perhaps even more surprising is the truth that she tried all the things she had suggested to her patients for nearly two decades, and found that they helped but weren’t enough to adequately remove depression’s grip. That began her search to find out what was missing. In doing so, she learned the root of many people’s depression, and perhaps more importantly, what we can do to move from the pit of depression to hope that prevails.
Join Dr. Bengtson to learn the root of many cases of depression, what God permits in our life and why, what God doesn’t allow, and how to fight back against guilt, discouragement, and depression to find a hope that prevails.
Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Dr. Michelle Bengtson is an international speaker, and the author of three bestselling, books to include: “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises.” A neuropsychologist for more than twenty years, she’s treated children and adults with a variety of medical and mental health disorders. Using sound practical tools, she affirms worth and encourages faith believing hope is a key to unlock joy and relief—even in the middle of the storm. She and her husband of thirty years have two young adult sons and reside in the Greenville, South Carolina area.
Learn more at: https://www.DrMichelleBengtson.com

How to Live Well with Others
Peggy Sue
How to Live Well with Others
Why does conflict between loved ones, neighbors, community members, political parties, and world governments continue to escalate? As families, co-workers, and fellow inhabitants of planet Earth, we have become really good at being in the negative cycle of what I call “The 5 R’s” Those are: Rejection, Resentment, Resistance, Revenge, and Repeat and they spell destruction to relationships.
Become aware of the active presence of the 5 R’s in your life. Then, apply the simple steps I’ll teach you so you can immediately place relationships back on positive footing. You’ll learn how to ditch emotional drama and live well with others!
Peggy Sue
PeggySue Wells parasails, skydives, snorkels, scuba dives, an has taken (but not passed) pilot training. Writing from the 100-acre wood in Indiana, she is the best-selling author of 29 books, translated into eight languages, including the What To Do series, The Slave Across the Street, Slavery in the Land of the Free, Bonding With Your Child Through Boundaries, Homeless for the Holidays, Chasing Sunrise, and The Ten Best Decisions A Single Mom Can Make.
Learn more about PeggySue at: www.PeggySueWells.com
Ellie Kay

1. How to Be a Hero for Today
2. Living Rich For Less
Ellie Kay
How to Be a Hero for Today
What are the characteristics of a woman who wants to live as a hero of the faith and make a positive impact in today’s troubled world? Ellie shares these characteristics as well as practical ways we can bring Christ into the Crisis of social injustice by learning to C-A-R-E. Courage, Action, Respect and Encouragement. In this faith based message we learn how to be warriors of the faith in a world that needs a reason for the hope that lies within us.
Ellie Kay
Ellie Kay is the best-selling author of fifteen books including Lean Body, Fat Wallet, and Heroes at Home. She is popular international speaker and media veteran who has given over 2800+ media interviews including appearances on ABC, CNBC, CNN and Fox News. She is also a podcast host on The Money Millhouse, joining her millennial daughter over coffee with a combination of money and banter. Ellie is the founder of Heroes at Home, a non-profit dedicated to providing free financial education to military members through her “Heroes at Home Financial Event.” She is the recipient of the prestigious Dr. Mary Walker Award, a medal presented from the US Army. Ellie serves on numerous national boards including the Military Family Advisory Network, and AFCPE. Ellie is married to LTC Bob Kay and they have seven children and nine grandchildren.
Diane Lowery

1. A Mighty Woman of Valor
2. An Audience of One
Diane Lowery
A Mighty Woman of Valor
Old Testament stories serve as bold examples for believers today. A beautiful illustration lies in the pages of the Book of Judges where we meet a fearful young man named Gideon hiding in a winepress. The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor.” How could it be that the Lord would see this timid and anxious young man and yet choose to call him a “mighty man of valor?”
Do you ever feel that way? Timid and fearful? Even so, God has indeed equipped us to be strong, courageous and passionate as we travel through life. Join me in a short study through the Scriptures as we learn five simple characteristics that will fortify you to be a mighty woman of valor amid a culture that is filled with conflict.
Diane Lowery
Co-founding a women’s ministry in 2008, Diane Lowery committed to study through the entire Bible and share with other women the things she learned. This dedication has given her tremendous enlightenment as to how to apply the whole of God’s Word to the situations in everyday life. Her devotedness to Christ and His Word has given her opportunities to speak and author the Bible study series, Views From the Balcony – Things I’ve Seen, Things I’ve Learned. Her weekly Bible Studies can be accessed through YouTube Channel, Rock Steady Sisters. Diane is a wife, mother, and grandmother, living in San Diego, California. Her greatest fun in life is in the creation of things. But her greatest joy in life is living Christ because she knows the cost of not. Therein, lies her passion.
Learn more at: www.DianeLowery.com
Marcia Ramsland

1. The Intentional Morning “Power Bump”
2. Organized To Thrive
Marcia Ramsland
The Intentional Morning “Power Bump”
What if you could go from busy and rushed…to calm, in control, and organized in just 10 minutes a day? As a Professional Organizing Life Coach, I’ve “cracked the code” on creating a good day, every day especially when there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it all. The secret? The Intentional Morning “Power Bump”! It will smooth out the chaos of the day before it begins.
This is the practical solution for busy, well intentioned women like you with a long “To Do” List who want to make the most of every day. In the Intentional Morning “Power Bump” you’ll learn how to:
- Move from a reactive lifestyle, to proactive right from the start
- Get more done in less time without racing the clock
- Find “down time” and not feel guilty
- Be flexible and gracious when others upset your plans
- Watch your “To Do” List shrink as you practice these new strategies
- Plan and pray over your day to line up with God’s plan for the day
All this IS possible . . . when you learn how to use a Morning Planning “Power Bump.”
Marcia Ramsland
Marcia Ramsland is well known as the “Organizing Pro” and for her coaching and online classes helping women organize time, home, paperwork, and life. She is a best-selling author of the Simplify Your Life series and a national media guest. She’s been featured in Real Simple Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and Martha Stewart radio. She believes anyone can become more organized and share their gifts and talents in a greater way – even YOU!
Learn more at: www.OrganzingPro.com
Mary James

A Life Of Worship
Mary James
A Life of Worship
Mary will lead us in song and share how a life of worship is far more than music and answer the question: How can we best respond to God’s love for us? She transparently shares: “Being a person who has struggled with acceptance issues most of my life, I have always loved the parable of the pearl of great price found in Matthew 13. What started as song, has grown into a message that addresses the matter of our worth in the eyes of Jesus and ultimately challenges us to respond to His love with our own.”
Mary James
Mary James is recognized as a five-time Inspirational Country Music Association™ (ICMA) Female Vocalist of the Year and 2016 ICMA Video of the Year recipient for her pro-life video “Fearfully, Wonderfully Made.” She has garnered eight #1 Singles in the Inspirational Country genre, obtained multiple ICMA Entertainer, Music Evangelist, and Songwriter nominations and is president of Mary James Ministries, Inc. Over the course of her ministry life, she has been called to serve at events with speakers such as Sheila Walsh, Bob Goff, Kay Arthur, and many others.
Learn more at: www.MaryJamesMinistries.org
Arlene Pellicane

Revitalize Your Screen Time
Arlene Pelicane
How to Revitalize Your Screen Time
Technology is supposed to make us more efficient, but it can easily take over our time and derail us from our goals and close relationships. Learn how to put screens (especially your phone) in the proper place – both for you and your family members.
Arlene will share tips on managing personal technology and also how to share more positive screen time habits with your grandchildren and children.
Arlene Pelicane
Arlene Pellicane is a speaker and author of several books including Parents Rising, Screen Kids and Grandparenting Screen Kids (co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman). Arlene has been a featured guest on several media outlets such as the Today Show, Fox & Friends, and Focus on the Family. She hosts the Happy Home Podcast on Access More and writes regularly for Proverbs 31 Ministries and Girlfriends in God. Arlene lives in San Diego with her husband James and their three children. To learn more, visit www.ArlenePellicane.com
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